Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 19, 2009 Email

Well Hello!
I feel so much love for you family! Thanks for your support through out my mission! Thanks for waiting for me to get home before Dawson goes through the temple! If there were two things that i missed most while on the mission it would be my family and the temple! I am so excited! Wow i love the gospel. Sorry the pics you sent didn't work for some reason but the hike sounded like fun. As for my birthday....remember less is more when your on a mission and have limited space. Dad how is it being 50?
Well i would like to tell you a few miracles....... Chiaras dad said yes to her being baptised! I have loved getting to know her. She has such a strong spirit! And this family the Phinneys where we teach her at live out in the country and they are just so much fun! I have really grown to love all of them and feel like they are family! And then there is the Bishop and his wife......they have been so helpful and they share so much love with us. Well we sang at church yesterday..... In Humility our Saviour. I am really stepping out of my comfort zone. Sister Barnum can harmonize so it really sounded nice. I love Sister Barnum! She is such a good friend to me. well we found some new people tracting this week.....it was really a miracle because it was a "No Soliciting" complex.....but we did it anyway cuz we thought it might be fun to get thrown in jail for the gospel of Jesus Christ.....so we found this women and her dad.....earnestly ready to hear truth....the first lesson was very powerful and we are looking forward to out meeting with them Wed. We found two other new people to teach this week too! I love doing this work! I love this gospel it is sooo true! Heavenly Father has shown us His infinite love through giving his son Jesus Christ to us! It is the supreme expression of love! And i feel it when i seek Him and put Him first in my life! The laborer in Zion will labor for Zion!
Love, sister flake

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