Monday, August 4, 2008

August 4 Email

MIssionary work is amazing. I am learning so much...and am having so many life learning experiences and crazy things happen all the time that i wish i could have time to tell you about....someday. So i sent a long letter last week that you should be getting soon. It is a holiday today..Happy BC day! The library is closed so we are using the computer at the Farrances in our ward....they are awesome to the missionaries...they have the missionaries over for lunch every Saturday.
So Dawson dont be afraid to be creative and try crazy new ideas for seminary.. its all new so just go for it. be prayerful and seek inspiration. You will make a difference for good for many people.
Andrew...i only did one day of cross country...i think you will last alot will be wonderful! How did the state long jump go by the way?
Mom i say definately do the HIll Cumorah. YOu would love it. and they would love you! And the boys would make great Lamanites....maybe they can get blown up like i did! its lots of fun!
Dad keep up the good work...get the members involved as much as you can in the missionary work....we started a new program in our ward..i did it in my singles ward and so told our ward mission leader about it. anyway... in every auxillary ask a volunteer to take home a special rockand a BOM and pray all that week for a missioary experience..then they report back about it the following week and someone else takes the rock. it gets everyone talking about it...and i know that when you pray for something righteous the Lord will bless you with it...its one way to get more investiagors.....any questions? It worked great in the singles ward....everyone knows someone who is not a member.
So this week has been awesome....We met with Dawn again last night....she is so excited to be baptised and has a ton of support from members. the 16th is the date!
We have met twice with this Iranian man in his 50s. HIs name is Reza and he wants to be baptised on the 30th! He went to church for the first time yesterday! So he just walked into the church o amonth ago and talked to the bishop who was there because he said he was looking for a christian church.....he is muslim. so bishop gave him our number. so we have taught him the first two lessons with members from our ward there. he is reading the BOM and he knows its all ture! He was a professor in Iran...very smart man. he wants his family to learn we will let you know how that goes. wow! BLessings!
So Michael had a baptism date for a few days....but now he says he wants to wait and we are still working with him. He took us to eat chinese food with Bro. of our ward mission leaders.
Deanna was at Church yesterday too! And she bore her testimony! Wow! We were a little nervous....but she did such a great job....she just said how she loved the feeling she feels at the church and she said how grateful she was for the missionaries and that she is glad that we have helped her stop drinking and that she is going work on stopping smoking!WOW! so then she decided to say a prayer for everyone and thanked God for the spirit that was there and for the gospel! so it was definately differnt but everyone mentioned how powerful it was....the whole meeting was....and our wonderful members noticed all the investigarors at church and so they bore strong testimony and some even spoke directly to the investigators during thier testimonies promising them blessings for being baptised! Also this less active...Sherrie bore her testimony for the first time in years..we have been working with her and encouraged her to bear her testimony..and she got up after Deanna talking about how she stopped smoing to join th church! Powerful meeting....and the flower guy Marty was there....we set up an appoinment with him for this flowers this time. thats good. and then saturday we were contacting at the mall and i had an impression that i needed to speak to this man i saw. he was kind of far away so i almost didnt do it...but i did so i invited this man joe to church....which we do all the time....but he did show up!So he was there and the members really welcomed him he wants to come back next week. WOW! things are going so good! The Lord is really blessing us as we strive to be obedient.
Transfers are Thursday but we dont know whats going on till WEd. sis anderson been out here since we are both pretty new. and she has been in poco the whole time.
Presedent met with us the other morning because he was in the area to meet with the stake president. HOw nice eh? YEah so he gave us some great advice.... i like himalot. \ The other day at the skate park someone actually asked for a bible! so there is slight progression there! ALot of the work we do here is more like a drug free campaign.....the youth in this city are not getting taought morals from their parents...but the youth in the church are awesome! Its really fun telling kids...and adults how uncool it is to do drugs...unlike popular belief...haha and im pretty bold about it too!
Yes mom we are getting fed alot...often times by investiagrors so thats awesome! This is getting to long...i better stop....i love you all thanks for your support and, Sister Flake

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