Hello!Holy cow! This work is amazing! I will just tell you a few hightlightstories. well earlier this week we decided to be bold and we went to theskate park and talked to some of the dudes there. (i can say dude because idont know how else to explain them) anyway we taught them and more peoplegathered...we were teaching 7 or eight of them at one point. it was coolbecause its kind of unexpcted for someone to come teach a bunch of punk kidsabout Christ....but we did it....and we are going to keep going back....theyneed hope and they need to stop doing drugs. Some of them were geuninlyinterested! Awesome! God wanted them to know that they are loved.Oh and i have already used spanish twice in contacting! Wow the Lord wasreally helping me because i testified to this lady Elena about the book ofMormon and she said she wanted one so i got her number to give to thespanish elders. amazing!Yesterday sis. anderson and I fasted( the longest i ever have). and we sawmiracles. we went to teach this women who we met contacting namedDeanna...and let me just tell you....she has been so prepared for thegospel...i have never met some one with so much faith. she has had 4 neardeath experieinces and she is a smoker and drinker but she relys on God somuch....she just needs direction...anyway she was soaking up the lessons andi testified of the book of mormon that it was the word of God....she took itfrom me closed her eyes to pray and then opened it up to a random page...sis. andeerson and i were both praying that it would be a good versse....and she opoened up to Enos.....which you should all read! tears came to hereyes as she read vs. eight.... thy fiath hath made thee whole...... she said"i know this" and we told her she could find out if the book is true andbefore we could tell her to pray about it she said... i already know itstrue! wow the spirit was so strong.....we set up an appointment for todaybecause she wanted to meet with us as soon as possible...she wants to makeus creapes too... she gave me the longest hug and told me she loves me somuch and kept thanking us for the truth...then she took my hands and said "there is something you are not telling me that you know... and i thought fora minute and the spirit had me tell her that the Lord wanted her baptised inhis church. and the she said....and there is somthing else.....and isearched my heart and said a silent prayer and the spirit had me teach herabout the word of wisdom and i said " Deanna the Lord wants you to stopsmoking and drinking." She nodded her head and hugged me... she knew thatswhat the Lord wanted her to know..... my companion later tolde me that thatis what she thought to say as well. This is Gods work....we will go see howshe is doing today and teach her more....her fiance was there learningtoo... he told Deanna that he wanted to go to our church this sunday! sothey will bothe be there...and guess what? bishop asked me to speak nextsunday! the ward is so great here,,and very supportive.one more miracle. there is this older man named Michael that we ran intorandomly(inspired i am sure) the first time we met him he told us we arefull of light...we gave him a bom but he didnt want to be taught....thesecond time we saw him we asked him if he read and he said he had glanced atit so we commited him to read it again....then yesterday we saw him in townand he came up and asked if we had a bom with us....he opened it up and readthe first line of the intorduction and looked at us and said " see this bookis true!" he testified to us that it was true! and then he asked us whereare church was...he said he wants to read it all and then we can teachhim... we exchanged numbers and will probably see him at church! wow! anywaythe gospel is true and we can heaer about miracles but our testimony canonly come from reading and prayin on our own!
Love, Sis. Flake
Monday, July 14, 2008
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